Friday 4 September 2015

Creating: The Next Step in Our Term 3 Topic Inquiry

Earlier this week, we watched a video on "How to Make a Papier Mache Mask", which was shared with us by our teacher. It was selected in response to a couple of the Inquiry Questions our class came up with for our "Fabrics, Fibres and Fashion" topic this term. 
(You can watch the video here if you would like to see it, too). 

Ms Osborne suggested we could use a "reduce, re-use, recycle" approach to creating an item for our fashion show later this month - by using materials we have around us in our community, such as old newspapers, plastic milk containers and home made flour and water glue... make ourselves an African "Igbo Ijele" styled mask that we could then personalise to reflect the vibrant and exciting culture around us! Once we had made up our papier mache bases for our masks, we used some of our design ideas that we had around the colours we could use, and then painted our mask forms to match these:

Our next step will be to ask ourselves: what reusable or recyclable materials do we have available around us? How could we use some of these to decorate our masks to reflect our own unique cultural 'fashion' ideas?

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