Written Language

Poetic Writing 
(Term 2, 2015)

For our creative writing lessons, we have been learning how to use our describing words to express our responses to the things we have been learning about during the course of our integrated studies. 
What is extra special about this heartfelt poem written by Lyric, is that she has written at home, in her own time, and because she wanted to share her thoughts and feelings about these brave men in a poem she could share with the rest of us at school!
Our poems were written at the beginning of Term 2, when our whole school had been learning all about the ANZAC soldiers in the lead up to the 100 year commemorations of Gallipoli this ANZAC Day. 

In E1, we had been developing our own understanding of what life may have been like for our fallen soldiers, and how they made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. 

Lyric's poem is a great example of how her own response to what she had learned around this topic allowed her to create an extremely thoughtful piece using poetic writing. 

Well done, Lyric!

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